Home sellers who used a listing agent made an average of $34,000 more on the sale of their home than those who did not. That’s one of the central findings by Clever Real Estate in their survey of 1,000 Americans who have sold a home since 2022. Here are some of the other fascinating takeaways: |
Our take |
There is so much in this report that we didn’t have space to cover it. It offers tremendous insight into the minds of sellers. But among all the stats in this report, the first one we discussed is truly the headliner. Home sellers who didn’t use a listing agent cost themselves $34,000! If that isn’t a selling point for using a listing agent, we don’t know what is! If you know anybody who is on the fence about using an agent and considering DIY-ing it, tell them what they could be costing themselves. |
The cost of not using a listing agent